"Are you in sync with Waterloo Region tech salaries? Communitech has partnered with industry leader BenchMarket (formerly TechEdge) to provide tech companies with accurate and timely research.

The Salary Survey offers benchmarks on cash compensation and benefits to help HR professionals find and fix gaps in existing compensation packages. Valued at up to $3,000, the report is available to Communitech Network members at a discounted rate.

The report includes:

    • Defined salary and roles by job levels and families
    • Stock options, bonus and incentives, vacation, health and wellness, co-op and new graduate rates
    • Standard career path progressions

Be part of the Survey. Companies who access the report data submit a completed compensation profile to ensure the accuracy and refreshment of the region’s information – and gain complimentary access to provincial data.

For more information, please contact Alayne Hynes, Talent Program Manager, at Alayne.hynes@communitech.ca, or Naudia Banton, Talent Co-ordinator, at Naudia.banton@communitech.ca."